Viterma Bathroom Renovation: Sales Territory Planning, Sales Forecasts and Franchise Consulting
The bathroom renovation company Viterma uses WIGeoWeb for data-based planning of its franchise territories, for penetration analyses and sales forecasts as well as customer service and consulting. This creates planning security, customer satisfaction and successful franchise partnerships.

Case Study Overview
Customer: Viterma - Your Partner for Quick, High-Quality Bathroom Renovations
Areas of application: Planning sales/franchise territories, customer consultation (contact center), matching franchise partners and customers, sales forecasts, consultation for franchisees, map for potential franchisees
Product: WIGeoWeb
Goal: Data-based sales and franchise territory planning, penetration analysis, performance and sales forecasts for regions and sales territories, reliable and successful partnerships with franchisees, expansion, customer service, planning security
Use: around 50 users (at varying levels of intensity)
Wellness Bathrooms from Viterma
Viterma offers custom bathroom renovations for those who value a beautiful, barrier-free, thoughtfully designed, easy-to-maintain and enduringly comfortable bathroom. Viterma's unique renovation concept: Complete bathrooms renovated within just five working days complete with their own high-quality products as well as those from renowned brand manufacturers.
Viterma was founded around 20 years ago and has since revolutionized the bathroom renovation market. Today, the Switzerland-based company is one of the largest bathroom renovators in the DACH region. It has its own sales locations and production as well as numerous franchise partners in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The company continues to expand rapidly, both in these countries and, in the future, beyond the DACH region.
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How Viterma Benefits from the Geomarketing Software WIGeoWeb
Viterma has been working with WIGeoGIS since 2014 and uses the geomarketing software WIGeoWeb in numerous business areas in a variety of ways. Step by step, more areas of application have been added. Today, the company benefits enormously from the flexible software and expertise of WIGeoGIS in Austria, where Viterma was originally founded, as well as in Germany and Switzerland.
Viterma employees work with WIGeoWeb in the following areas:
- Sales territory planning and franchise territory planning
- Map on the website for franchisees
- Customer consultation in the contact center
- Success and sales forecasts with the help of scoring models
- Consultation for franchise partners

Image: Viterma uses WIGeoWeb to plan sales territories and to bring customers together with the right salespeople.The franchise territories are colored differently on the map.
Sales and franchise territory planning
Viterma grants franchise territories in Austria, Switzerland and Germany to startups and established skilled trades businesses looking to build an additional revenue stream. Initially, the geomarketing software from WIGeoGIS was therefore used for the planning of sales and franchise territories.
“WIGeoWeb helps us plan the sales territories for our franchise partners, ensuring each one has similar potential. This allows us to provide our franchise partners with a fair and balanced distribution of territories, ensuring an equitable economic starting position. To achieve this, the software takes the various parameters into account, such as population density and purchasing power, and weights them differently.”
Daniel Kühnis, Head of Success Management at Viterma AG
While Viterma initially considered ten parameters, they later narrowed it down to the five most important ones, which led to better results. Additional parameters include the age of the buildings and the homeownership rate, as homeowners are more likely to invest in bathroom renovations than tenants.
First, the key core areas with high potential were identified.
Map on the Website for Franchisees
Interested entrepreneurs or skilled trades businesses looking to become Viterma franchise partners can easily check whether their desired territory is still available or has already been assigned to another franchisee. For this purpose, Viterma has set up a dedicated website for franchisees. On a dedicated subpage, prospective franchisees can enter their address, city name or ZIP Code and instantly see on a map whether the territory is available, reserved or already assigned. Available territories can be reserved immediately. This is made possible by the WIGeoGIS software, which runs in the background and is updated hourly. This also prevents franchise territories from being assigned to multiple franchisees.
Image: Franchise territories highlighted in white are still available, those in orange are temporarily reserved and those in green have already been assigned to franchisees.

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Customer Service in the Viterma Contact Center
The Viterma Contact Center is a service for franchisees as well as potential customers. Viterma engages in marketing across various media, both online and offline. Interested customers can call the central Contact Center and will be referred to the appropriate Viterma installation business. The Contact Center team simply enters the ZIP Code of the prospective customer into the system, which then displays a suitable Viterma franchise partner nearby. This is powered by the WebGIS software WIGeoWeb from WIGeoGIS.
“The ZIP Code is the key to assigning prospective customers to specific franchise partners or, in the case of Viterma-owned businesses, to one of our sales representatives. This assignment works just-in-time, ensuring that a new franchise partner appears in the system immediately. All of this works with minimal effort and the highest level of professionalism, thanks to the technical expertise of WIGeoGIS.”
Daniel Kühnis, Head of Success Management at Viterma AG

Success and sales forecasts using a scoring model
Using the scoring model in the geomarketing software WIGeoWeb, Viterma generates success and sales forecasts for the individual sales and franchise territories. This works by assigning scoring points to each predefined success parameter, such as population density, purchasing power, homeownership rate and building age. The higher the individual values, the more scoring points are assigned to the territory.
Finally, the scoring points are totaled for each sales territory and each point is assigned a value in euros. This is how the sales potential for each sales and franchise territory is calculated. Please note: The scoring points are calculated differently for each country to account for market-specific factors. The higher the revenue potential of a franchise territory, the higher the licensing fees for franchisees.
“Before we started working with WIGeoGIS, we only knew the population of a given territory and the homeownership rate. However, our forecasts based on this data were still highly hypothetical. Thanks to WIGeoGIS, we now work in a structured and professional manner with highly reliable data and can offer our franchisees a guarantee of success, as long as they roll up their sleeves and follow our concept.”
Daniel Kühnis, Head of Success Management at Viterma AG
Do like the leading companies. Trust in WIGeoWeb, the WebGIS software!
Consultation for Franchisees
Both Viterma, as the franchisor, and its franchisees have a strong interest in maximizing the potential of their sales and franchise territories. Based on the scoring values (see above), both sides know the exact potential of each territory, which is then used to measure the achieved turnover. Viterma maintains regular communication with its franchise partners, providing consultation on sales, efficiency and their position compared to other franchisees.
“We can always show an existing franchise partner where they stand in comparison to our other franchise partners. They know if they are among the top performers, in the solid mid-range, or on the lower end of the spectrum. This is our USP and enhances our credibility - not only with our franchise partners, but also with financial institutions.”
Daniel Kühnis, Head of Success Management at Viterma AG
Viterma continuously supports their franchise partners to help them exploit their full potential in their assigned sales territories. Viterma also supports franchisees in preparing for financing discussions with banks by providing them with solid financial data. Viterma backs its franchise partners with reliable data, making them welcome guests at their banks, enabling them to more easily secure financing commitments.
Franchise systems, sales forecasts - further information and case studies

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* Information about the free test access: Standard regions with selected data in Germany or Austria will be made available. In Germany, these regions are districts in Munich and environs, and districts of Vienna and environs in Austria. The products of WIGeoGIS are intended for companies and are not suitable for private use. If you need a one-time market analysis, we will gladly make you a service offer.