Demographic data support your market analysis

Socio-demography describes the characteristics of a population, the consumers, in defined spatial units such as ZIP Codes, municipalities or raster cells. The most frequently requested key figures are population structure (population), age and purchasing power. But there are hundreds of other characteristics and millions of useful data records.

Which Data are You Looking For?

With us, you receive demographics and regional data for the Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as international data.

Demographics for Germany

Demographics for Germany

Based on ZIP Codes and municipal boundaries or small-scale based on raster cells in fixed sizes: we will provide you with every imaginable demographic characteristic for Germany.

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Demographics for Austria

Demographics for Austria

You have access to the highest-quality market data for Austria. At every spatial level. WIGeoGIS integrates data from Statistics Austria into the basic geomarketing data products, updated annually.

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international data on demographics, purchasing power or data on your competitors

International Market Data

Even if you need international market data, be it global or regional, we offer a broad portfolio of demographic characteristics. Either through Open Data or our extensive partner network. Everything is possible! Contact us!

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WIGeoGIS - your specialist for demographic data. We know the market and provide independent consultation.

For Which Analyses Do I Need Demographics?

Demographic data, in addition to your proprietary data, is the basic ingredient for your business analysis. It is like having a good meal: you obviously need the right recipe and cooking utensils. But only if you use quality ingredients, will you be able to make a gourmet meal.

You need demographics for analyses in sales, marketing, controlling and expansion:

How Do You Recognize Good Data?

  • Good data is updated regularly.
  • It is consistent internally, e.g. if you add up all the percentages they equal 100.
  • The sources are known and it is transparent how the data is collected.
  • Last but not least is of course the competence and reliability of the data provider who collects and processes the data.

Characteristics of good market data

Request test data for free and without any obligations!

Which Data Can I Rely On?

“A common mistake when getting started with market analysis is using as much data as possible”, explains Martin Ortner, WIGeoGIS Consultant, based on her many years of experience. That is not always an effective approach. If the data used is too finely granular, the result may be watered down. So the trick is to choose exactly the right data.

  • Which spatial unit is the right one?
  • Do I need small-sized, raster cells in a fixed size, or is it enough to analyze the data at a ZIP Code level?

Ideally, you have a partner who knows the current range of demographic data in detail and knows where methodological differences need to be considered. WIGeoGIS helps you make the right selection, from the content to the up-to-dateness all the way to the compatibility with your own data. 

Industry data

Industry data is just as valuable for the B2B sector as demographic data is for B2C companies. Because with industry data, you get knowledge and figures about your competitors and market potential. We offer data from all the most common sectors. Find out more about our range of industry data.

Cost Optimization

“Choosing the right data is also a cost factor. The licensing models of the individual market data providers are very diverse and different. Depending on the requirements of the project, prices may differ for the same data quality. The difference may be up to 50 percent. We make sure that you get the best price.”

Marcel Kirrmann, Senior Consultant, WIGeoGIS

Take Advantage of Our Competence and Experience

  • We are your specialist for regional data. Your well-stocked retailer with the best advice.
  • We have been in the market for over 30 years, are always in touch with the times and are constantly expanding our portfolio with innovative products.
  • We always find the best price-performance ratio for you!
  • We are independent and committed to the success of our customers.
  • With us as your partner, you get everything from a single source.

Demographics: Test now free of charge and without obligation!

  • Test data* on demographics, purchasing power or other characteristics
  • Non-binding, free test
  • Test ends automatically without cancellation
  • Receive test data* as Excel or shape file

I will gladly support you, also by telephone.

* Required field - please read our privacy policy

* Information about the free test data: Selected test data is available for standard regions in Germany or Austria. For Germany, the data is for districts in Munich and the surrounding areas. For Austria, the data is for districts in Vienna and the surrounding areas. The products of WIGeoGIS are intended for companies and are not suitable for private use. If you need a one-time market analysis, we will gladly make you a service offer.


  • How up-to-date are the regional data and is the data updated regularly?

    WIGeoGIS always has the latest data from the different data providers. The update cycles of the individual data providers are very different. Population and purchasing power figures are typically only updated 1x per year, while company data is updated continuously. Official postal addresses can be updated monthly if required.

  • How important is it to use current data?

    Sometimes we have to convince our clients that it pays to invest in updating a dataset. For example, 10,000 new apartments, including workplaces, schools, kindergartens and supermarkets, will be built over the next few years in the Vienna urban development area Nordbahnhofgelände. An example that shows that your analyses will only produce accurate results if the data is updated at reasonable intervals. We place great importance on quality when selecting our partners. This includes the regular updating of their data.

  • Is regional data for different countries comparable?

    Conclusive transnational geomarketing analysis is only possible if identical attributes exist for each country. The survey methodology and variables, such as the classification by age group for example, must be the same for each country in order to correctly calculate market share and market potential. WIGeoGIS therefore relies on well-known data partners that provide internationally comparable data.

  • What is the benefit of getting data through WIGeoGIS?

    WIGeoGIS provides you with demographics and data from various providers bundled from a single source, for any country where you need up-to-date knowledge of the market. With WIGeoGIS, you have a central provider who researches all the spatial data you require and prepares it according to your specific needs. Global, international, local!

  • Do the data offered by WIGeoGIS comply with the GDPR?

    Demographic data is aggregated data that does not allow conclusions to be drawn about individuals. Therefore, it is not considered as personal data within the meaning of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Data providers are subject to the strict rules of the GDPR and may not deliver data that allows conclusions to be drawn about individuals.

  • Which regional data is suitable for market analysis in B2B business?

    Through established partners, WIGeoGIS offers digital business information and company potential for every sector. This company information is perfect for planning regional sales and marketing activities, for market share analysis and for performance checks for your sales areas.

  • What are the typical areas of application for demographic data in geomarketing?

    In addition to the analysis of target group density, regional data is suitable for location assessment, branch network management, retail network planning, expansion planning and sales area planning as well as sales force effectiveness.

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