Geomarketing Software
It Is All About Having the Right Tool
We have it. And will show you how to use it.

GIS = Geo Information System
In short, this is a software that processes spatial data. Although visualizing data on a map is the cornerstone of the software, it is only the basis for the extensive range of analyses and questions that can subsequently be answered with the help of Geomarketing. GIS software will help you make the right decisions for the success of your company!
For basic knowledge, basic terms and an introduction to the topic of GIS and geoinformatics, please visit our page GIS - What is that?
Why Does Geomarketing Work so Well?
80% of all company data has a spatial reference. This potential is often neglected. Use it! Viewing data spatially allows you to see connections that would otherwise remain hidden.
With geomarketing you can:
- Analyze market penetration
- Identify target groups
- Optimize media planning and sales
- Answer every question concerining locations (branches) objectively and rationally
Because location is one of the success factors when it comes to branch locations and market potential.
A map tells more then 1.000 Words
The Right Software
Determining which software is best for your organization depends on a number of factors such as what exactly you want to do with it, how many people should work with it etc. We offer products for every application and help you choose the right one.
If you have standardized, repetitive questions that are to be processed by a broad group of employees without special geomarketing know-how, the best solution is a WebGIS software. The advantages:
- Easy to use
- Easy to learn
- Can be used at every computer / workplace in the company via a web browser
- Can also be used on the go with a tablet
On the other hand, if you have one or more geomarketing experts in your company, then a desktop geomarketing software may be the best solution. This software allows you to
- answer complex questions
- individually and highly flexibly
- using advanced geographic techniques
We offer specifically tailored software for special topics such as location analytics and sales.
More about “Choosing the Right Software?”: Geomarketing Checklist
Overview of Geomarketing Software
WebGIS Software - Company-wide information and analysis platform for standardized, repetitive question

WIGeoWeb: WebGIS for Geomarketing
WIGeoWeb is your online GIS for business analysis. Interactive maps. Visualize data. Simple. Intuitive. The WebGIS for your company.

WIGeoLocation: WebGIS software for location analysis
WIGeoLocation is the modern WebGIS software for location analysis. Your location report in just 3 minutes.

Plan Sales Organizations with SalesNet Software
With SalesNet, you can plan your sales organization ad hoc, quickly & easily. This is because changes are automatically transferred to all the other hierarchical levels, including ERP/CRM.
Geomarketing-Software for Desktop - Expert work place for individual, complex questions with the processing of different data

Geocoder Software JoinAddress
Find exact coordinates for your worldwide addresses from Excel files or databases. JoinAddress is smart, fast and stands out with its exceptional price-performance ratio.

Simply Intelligent Territory Planning Software - WIGeoATP
Automatically plan, divide and visually display sales territories. At a Zip Code or municipality level. In every European country.
The Advantages of Using GIS for Data Analytics
Prof. Dr. Petra Staufer-Steinnocher from the Vienna University of Economics and Business and Nato Klems from CLAAS give a brief overview of the key advantages of data analysis with geomarketing software in a video interview.
The Perfect Implementation
Once you have decided on the right software, we will assist you with the technical implementation and train your employees. If required, we will gladly take over the operation of your software.
Geomarketing Software: Request a FREE Live Demo!
- FREE Live-Demo* of GIS Software
- Non-binding, without further obligations
- Online presentation via video call
Do you want to know more about Geomarketing software? I will be glad to support you.
What can you do with geomarketing software and how can it benefit your company?
In every company, decisions have to be made on a daily basis, both large and small. The spatial representation and processing of your data opens up new insights and relationships that were previously not recognizable. Questions are rationalized and objectified. This will help you to make good decisions.
Classic fields of application are any question regarding markets, target groups, locations and branches, as well as planning and controlling in sales. Furthermore, sales forecasts and the visualization of sales, competitor analyses and the optimization of your media planning.
What types of geomarketing software are there?
In terms of type of software: a desktop program or browser-based.
In terms of content and applications: as a broad tool designed for all types of market potential analyses, optimized for special fields of application such as location analyses or sales, or as pure geocoding software (such as JoinAddress) to carry out the first step of every geomarketing analysis, the linking of data with coordinates. -
Which geomarketing software is right for me?
That depends on a number of factors, for example
- What type of data do you have?
- How often do you need the analyses?
- How many employees should work with the GIS, and do these employees have geomarketing know-how or not?
- Should the software only be used from individual expert workstations, or from every workstation, maybe even on-the-go?
We will help you to ask the right questions and advise you on the selection and implementation.
What is the difference between a web and a desktop GIS, and what are the pros and cons?
A WebGIS, like our WIGeoWeb, runs in the browser and can therefore be used from any workstation in the company (including on-the-go with a tablet). It is well suited for standardized, repetitive questions that can be carried out by a wide range of employees without the need for training and without expert knowledge.
A desktop GIS, like our WIGeo QGIS, is better suited for complex questions. It is installed at the respective workplace. It is the right choice if your complex geomarketing analyses are carried out by a few employees with expert knowledge.
What does the abbreviation “GIS” mean?
GIS stands for Geographical Information System, in other words for the automated processing of digital spatial data. Geocoding data, i.e. assigning data to coordinates, is the basis for most analyses. This allows the data to be displayed visually on maps and numerous questions can be answered analytically, rationally and objectively. This is called geomarketing.
I need a small application for a specific task. Do you have a solution?
Yes! More than half of our WebGIS projects are small, manageable modules that are created for specific tasks. They range from on-site data collection to the integration of geocoding in a CRM, all the way to the display of CRM data in a simple thematic, online map.
We will introduce you to Geomarketing Software and help you find the solution that is best for you! Free of charge, non-binding and free of obligation!