Only Up-to-Date Data is Good Data

It makes sense: whether it is a good meal or a market analysis; what you get out can only be as good as the ingredients you put in.

In our fast-paced world, only up-to-date data is good data. Land is rezoned for development, migration leads to an increase in the number of inhabitants in cities, while it declines in rural areas. And already the data is different.

For this reason, we at WIGeoGIS continually ensure the data that we process for you is up-to-date. This is ensured by standardised workflows and a quality assurance process. Demographics for Germany - our latest update is available!

Up-to-date Demographics for 2024/2025 now available! Request your test data for Germany for free and without any obligations!

Did you know, ...?

  • ...that in the city of Bad Homburg vor der Höhe almost 40% of households have a net income of at least €5,000 per month?
  • ...that the cities of Rostock and Leipzig have the highest tenant quota in Germany at 86%?
  • ...that North Rhine-Westphalia is the federal state with the highest number of people who are self-employed as their main occupation?
  • ...that the cities of Marburg, Gießen and Tübingen have the highest percentage of people between the ages of 15 and 24?
  • ...that Göttingen is the city with the most single-person households? 57% of the households only have one person living in them.

These and many more questions can be answered with our up-to-date demographics.

Demographics Germany - Over 100 Attributes Updated Every Year

Visualized on maps, you can see the answers at a glance! Here are a few examples.

Where is purchasing power the highest?

Purchasing power is one of the central analysis indicators in geomarketing. Municipalities with a particularly high purchasing power index are shown on the map. The national average in Germany is 100.

If you require an analysis that is even more precise, market data can be used in the small-scale unit of GEOmarkets.

Purchasing power in Germany

Where will the population in Germany grow over the next few years?

The colored areas show the communities that are expected to experience more than 10% population growth between 2024 and 2050.

Population growth until 2050

Where is the inflow of purchasing power particularly high?

The map shows communities with 30,000 or more inhabitants where retail centrality is particularly high.

These communities have a supply function for their surrounding area and thus purchasing power flows in from the surrounding area.

High retail centrality in communities with 30,000 inhabitants or more

Try it out now! Request your test access to Demographics for Germany today for free with no obligation.

Where do people invest heavily in securities?

The colored areas show communities in which more than €25,000 per capita is spent on securities annually.

Securities per capita

Where in the city of Münster is the percentage of LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) and organic purchasing power particularly high?

The term LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) describes people who value a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. This target group is happy to spend their money on high-quality products.

As an example, the map shows areas in the small-scale unit of GEOmarkets in the city of Münster. Areas are shown with a high percentage of LOHAS in combination with a high purchasing power for organic products.

Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) & Organic Purchasing Power in Münster

How is the age structure distributed in Wiesbaden and Mainz?

If you focus on a specific age group as a target group, you want to know where they live. 

The cities of Wiesbaden and Mainz show large differences in their age structure. In Wiesbaden, the over 65 age group is predominant in many areas of the city, while in the center of Mainz the 26-35 age group is predominant.

The data comes from the AZ Germany-Raster.

Dominant age group in Wiesbaden and Mainz

Create Market Analyses with Up-to-Date Data

With market analyses, you can support your decisions in sales, marketing, controlling and expansion.

WIGeoGIS is your specialist for every conceivable demographic data. A single source for different providers offering the best price performance ratio in every granularity. We will help you decide which spatial level is right for you.

We will also provide you with the suitable WebGIS software for your analyses.

Demographics Germany: Test now free of charge and without obligation!

  • Test data* on demographics, purchasing power or other characteristics
  • Non-binding, free test
  • Test ends automatically without cancellation
  • Receive test data* as Excel or shape file

I will gladly support you, also by telephone.

* Required field - please read our privacy policy

* Information about the free test data: Selected test data for Germany is available for districts in Munich and the surrounding areas. The products of WIGeoGIS are intended for companies and are not suitable for private use. If you need a one-time market analysis, we will gladly make you a service offer.

We are your specialists for demographics, purchasing power, etc. on numerous levels worldwide

Demographic Data You Need

The range of Demographics available is large and varied. We have an overview and will help you make the right selection. To make sure you get the best, and at the best price.

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Small-scale, Detailed Demographics on a Geographic Grid Layer

Regional Demographics in Geographic Grid Cells Germany

The AZ Germany-Raster includes regional market data for Germany in geographic grid - always equal areas of 100 x 100 m up to areas of 10 x 10 km.

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GEOmarkets - Regional Demographics for Germany

GEOmarkets: Regional Demographics for Germany

GEOmarkets are ideal for small-scale market analyses. They comprise an average of 300 households and take ZIP codes and municipal borders into account.

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Worldwide purchasing power data

Purchasing power data - Knowing where people are consuming

Purchasing power data provides information about the level of prosperity and willingness to consume. We offer purchasing power data according to product and people groups at the ZIP Code level and smaller scales.

Learn more